At Plan Burrito, if the most popular dish wasn't a burrito, we'd be in for a surprise! So, why is the burrito stealing the spotlight? The answer is surprisingly simple – these burritos are colossal! We're talking about an impressive 35cm of pure burrito goodness. On any given day, Plan Burrito can sell up to 200 of these bad boys! Whether you're on a mission to fill a colossal void in your appetite or aiming to feed the whole family, the burrito at Plan Burrito is the ultimate go-to choice.
Plan Burrito
Our Most Popular Dish
Jan 12, 2024
52 second watch
At Plan Burrito, if the most popular dish wasn't a burrito, we'd be in for a surprise! So, why is the burrito stealing the spotlight? The answer is surprisingly simple – these burritos are colossal! We're talking about an impressive 35cm of pure burrito goodness. On any given day, Plan Burrito can sell up to 200 of these bad boys! Whether you're on a mission to fill a colossal void in your appetite or aiming to feed the whole family, the burrito at Plan Burrito is the ultimate go-to choice.